NPR was the soundtrack to my life in the car. Driving to and from work and sometimes with the kids- though one said that all that talking made her want to throw up. This book is the story behind the "experiment" that became the standard for reporting and women were the backbone- probably because they would take a lower salary. Enlightening, nostalgic, and exhilirating reading. A+
This memoir was actually recommended by the NYT as one of the best of the genre. Now that I have read it, I am ashamed for mocking her in the past. She sang for years at church camps and meetings before losing out to Britney Spears for MM Club. At 12, she was toldby a church music director that she was "too provocative" because of the size of her breasts- which were covered by a shirt and full jacket. If you liked Daisy and the Six- this is the real story of a music star.A
Another memoir, also by a singer. This is a tribute to the author's Korean mother. Any Mom will appreciate that the daughter gains appreciation for her Mother's discipline and legacy as she grows older. This book sprang from an acclaimed essay in The New Yorker in 2018. A
New category to me- ecothriller. The background of devastating climate change and how society has to grapple with it is harrowing, but I had trouble with the idea of a woman fleeing her life to follow an obscure "clue". But the chase is on and it is fast, furious, and brutal. B+
The backstory of how wars are fought. An indepth look at one part of the strategy formed in WW II for the most effective bombing approach. Is there room for moral reflection in this endeavour? A short, engaging look at great Generals of battle. A
Small town Maine with an overlapping cast of characters. If you ever lived in a small community, you will appreciate this tragicomic story covering several decades. A
A husband/father disappears with a cryptic note to his wife. The police issue an APB for him as a white collar criminal. So begins the sleuthing by wife and daughter to find him and the truth. Perfect poolside read. Julia Roberts already signed up to play the wife. B+